
What Chases Feid is His New Single ‘Vente Conmigo’?

Ferxxo firmly holds his position as one of the reigning kings of summer

Archivado en: feid  •  

Feid has dyed every city he has toured in green, so it was not surprising that all that green fever would turn against him… at least in fiction. The artist from Medellín has released ‘Vente Conmigo’ with a music video that comes with a paranormal and zombie experience, all stemming from a small, poisoned gift. 


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Una publicación compartida por FERXXO (@feid)

Music Video

«Be careful what you wish for,» they tell him before blowing out the birthday candles – which, by the way, mark number 19, the day our protagonist was born. Then, the Colombian wakes up when someone rings the doorbell. He receives a package containing custom-made and apparently magical sneakers, which catch the attention of all the neighbors. 

During his baseball game, we see something strange happening to his teammates’ faces, as well as to the dentist who fixed the tooth he broke earlier. Are they possessed by the ‘spirit of death’? 

With this song, the Colombian artist wants us to give it our all on the dance floor. And if Ferxxo asks us to, we won’t stop dancing until the end of summer… or until he releases the next hit. Because… does the number on the cake mean something? Should we expect a new surprise for August 19th, his 31st birthday? 

Since he released Feliz cumpleaños Ferrxo te pirateamos el álbum almost a year ago, the artist has extended the trail of success and taken his hits around half the planet. ‘Vente Conmigo’ seems to be a new bonus track of this emerald-colored universe with which he has conquered us. 

More Hits

Ferxxo’s success has crossed borders to a level that several artists name him in their songs. This is the case of Mercho, the viral track by LiL Cake and Migrantes, which has revolutionized the platforms with its chorus: «En el Mercho, escuchando Ferxxo. Hoy quiero dormir, pero acostado en tu pecho”. Also, his collab with Young Miko in ‘Classy 101,’ has been a complete success.

Undeniable, the Colombian artist has become an unstoppable phenomenon and a very clear case of success, understood by the mixture of his recognition in various international awards, his catchy lyrics, his hypnotizing rhythms, his landing on platforms like TikTok and a style that many have made their own.