Quevedo’s Lookalike Sparks Internet Frenzy: «He Looks More Like Quevedo than Quevedo Himself»

Social media has been flooded with memes and various reactions

Archivado en: Quevedo  •  

Internet users have stumbled upon someone who looks just like Quevedo! Have you ever noticed that sometimes you start seeing certain things or situations happen repeatedly? For example, suddenly a bunch of people you know start getting engaged, and it seems like everyone is getting married all of a sudden. Or you look around, and it feels like there are pregnant women everywhere. 

Well, something similar is happening in the world of Quevedo’s fans. It seems like they’re finding people who look just like him everywhere they go. But recently, they found someone who really stands out. 

There’s a TikTok video posted by a user named @camicat__ where one of their friends is having a great time at a street party. To everyone’s surprise, this friend bears an impressive resemblance to the Spanish artist Quevedo. I mean, they could practically be twins. But that’s not all. In the background, you can hear Quevedo’s hit song «Columbia» playing. This makes the young man in the video realize that his friend is recording him, with the intention of sharing their striking physical similarity with the world. 

@camicat___ LO ENCONTRE LO ENCONTRE #fyp #quevedo ♬ sonido original – Quevedo

The Reactions 

As expected, social media has been flooded with memes and various reactions. Even though Quevedo himself hasn’t commented on this yet, some of his fellow artists have, like Saiko, who humorously said, “He’s got the money to go out, but when it’s time to pay me the 15€ he owes, he disappears.” But that’s not all, other users also shared their opinion.

  • “He looks more like Quevedo than Quevedo himself.”
  • Quevedo if he hadn’t disappeared in 2024.
  • “Quevedo at the Playa del Francés.” 

Quevedo is undeniably one of the most popular artists in the music scene. Hits like «Columba,» «Buenas,» «Punto G,» and «Playa del Inglés» have racked up millions of streams, propelling him to the top of international charts. There’s no denying his unstoppable rise, and now it seems he’s inspiring his own share of lookalikes.

What do you think? Do you see the resemblance?