
The Incredible Meaning Behind Feid & Yandel’s Collab Album ‘MANIFESTING 20-05’

This album is the manifestation of a dream come true for Ferxxo

Archivado en: feid  •   Yandel  •  

Feid has become a prime example of someone who proves that dreams can come true. Whether it’s aiming high, like achieving global recognition as a singer, or something simpler, like visiting one of his favorite places, such as the Shibuya crossing in Japan, Ferxxo’s journey shows that with dedication, anything is possible. Along the way, he’s also shown that there are some things money can’t buy, but with hard work, they can be achieved. 

In this case, we’re talking about Yandel, a heavyweight in the world of classic reggaeton. The Puerto Rican artist has been an icon for years, and though his fame endures and his music remains popular today. This is exactly why Feid and Yandel teamed up for their collaborative album, MANIFESTING 20-05.

For the Colombian, it was a dream come true to work with one of his music idols, and together, they’ve crafted an entire EP. While each of the five songs on the album has its own unique theme and story, there’s a common thread that ties them all together. 

MANIFESTING 20-05: Feid’s ‘Mantra’

This project holds special significance for Feid. It’s not just the title of the album; it’s also a sort of personal mantra for him. But what does it mean to manifest, and why the year 2005? Let’s unpack that. 

First, let’s talk about manifesting, which essentially is all about asking the universe for something you really want, and believing that if you stay positive and patient, it’ll come your way eventually. Secondly, let’s address the significance of the number 2005. In this context, it represents not just a numerical value, but a specific year. Back in 2005, Wisin and Yandel dropped their fifth album, Pa’l Mundo, and it had a huge impact on Feid.

Pa’l Mundo meant a lot to him, both personally and professionally. When he was just 13 years old, Feid bought his first-ever physical album, and it happened to be this one. He listened to every track on repeat, dreaming of one day making music like his idols. And now, almost 20 years later, he’s living that dream by collaborating with Yandel on an EP. That’s why he took to social media to say: “Manifesting in 2005, and making it happen in 2024.

And Ferxxo is really sticking to his word. It’s not a coincidence that one of the producers of Pa’l Mundo is also working on MANIFESTING 20-05. Tainy is involved in both projects and has seen how Ferxxo has grown and the impact of his commitment to manifesting over the years. 

Original article in Spanish for LOS40.