Feid Just Made the Most Important Trip of His Musical Career

Sometimes, the best dreams aren't about fame: they're about experiences

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Dreams really do come true, and Feid is living proof of that. Every day, he’s ticking off something from his wishlist. From dreaming of becoming a globally recognized singer to collaborating with numerous urban genre artists whom he now considers peers. But sometimes, the best dreams aren’t about fame; they’re about experiences. 

During his recent trip to Japan, Ferxxo achieved a personal goal he’d been longing for. It wasn’t directly related to his career, but it meant a lot to him. After years of wishing, he finally got to visit Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo, walking across the world’s most famous pedestrian crossing. 

The Significance of Shibuya for Feid 

But why is this so important to Feid? Looking back to 2021, the Colombian artist released INTER SHIBUYA – LA MAFIA, an album that marked a significant moment in his singing career. Thus, this renowned and emblematic place has become a hallmark of his artistic journey. 

If you’re not familiar with Shibuya Crossing, it’s the busiest pedestrian crossing globally. Around 3 million people cross it every day, making it not just a tourist spot but also a major source of inspiration for artists like Feid. He saw something unique about it that no one else had noticed before, and it inspired him to create an entire album. 

Ferxxo titled his latest album after Shibuya because it holds a special significance for him —it symbolizes a point where different aspects come together, which he wanted to convey through the album’s theme. This idea is reflected in all 15 songs, each addressing various topics but seamlessly connecting like pieces of a puzzle. 

After years of longing to visit Shibuya, he has finally achieved this dream, which was not just his own but also shared by his fans. Together, they celebrated by watching the video he posted on his Instagram account, featuring the track «CORONE» playing in the background. This song serves as the opening track of the album and has become an anthem for Ferxxo fans. 

Article in Spanish for LOS40 Spain.