Bizarrap Upcoming #47 BZRP Music Session

Bizarrap Drops Intriguing Clues for BZRP Music Sessions #57: Unveiling Revealing References

The theories about who could star in this new release range from Justin Bieber to Bad Bunny

Archivado en: Bad Bunny  •   Bizarrap  •   Justin Bieber  •   Milo J  •   Mora  •  

It’s been more than three days since Bizarrap laid the foundation for his upcoming musical phase built upon the Bizapop identity. And during that time, the nearly 9-minute-long teaser has not ceased to trend for a single second on the world’s leading video platform. In this cinematic preview of what’s to come on Wednesday, October 4, the popular producer left a series of nods, easter eggs, or whatever you want to call them, which his fans are interpreting in various ways.

Moreover, Argentine producer has posted new clues through Instagram Stories about what’s to come, some of which have been deleted just minutes after being posted. These include a cover of Edgar Allan Poe’s «The Purloined Letter» and an image of a helicopter landing in front of a mysterious silhouette. The only ones that can still be found on the producer’s profile are a snippet of the short film released last week to announce the new session and another image where we see a figure that doesn’t show its face, rumored to be the next protagonist of the BZRP Music Session.

As expected, social media has gone crazy with possible names, ranging from Justin Bieber to Kid Laroi, the emerging Argentine artist Milo J, Bad Bunny, or Mora, among others. If there’s one thing we can confirm after these clues, it’s that the mysterious suspect appears to be a male artist.

In an attempt to offer our perspective, we have compiled the possible references to his previous sessions, the most plausible theories about who his next collaborator might be, and, of course, the photo of Justin Bieber that everyone is talking about.

BZRP Music Sessions #49

Barely 10 seconds into Bizapop, we discovered that the close-up shot resembling a mixing table was not random. There, on the keyboard, we found a blue post-it note with an «R» that has inevitably reminded many of us of the popular «R» of René from Residente.

It was the Puerto Rican rapper with whom the artist collaborated in his BZRP Music Sessions #49 shortly after the artist reclaimed one of his hallmarks with his famous cap and logo, putting an end to his disses once and for all.

Snippet from the short film «BIZAPOP» announcing the BZRP Music Sessions Vol. 57 / YouTube.

However, some have wanted to see in that «R» another artist whose name also ranks among international artists. Who doesn’t remember Rihanna’s Rated R? Could it be the return of Riri that we’ve been dreaming of for almost a decade?

BZRP Music Sessions #56

Amid the chaos and frenzy of El Biza de Wall Street, we came across this wild dancer wearing a helmet that reminded us of the producer’s most recent collaboration: with Rauw Alejandro.

The one from Puerto Rico and his case are already part of these sessions’ history. However, his orange color doesn’t match Bizapop’s, a circumstance that has led many to think that another artist has recently worn a motorcycle helmet… And whose name might start with an «R»?

Snippet from the short film «BIZAPOP» announcing the BZRP Music Sessions Vol. 57 / YouTube.

If you haven’t thought about Rosalía by now, it’s clear that conspiracy theories are not your thing 😉

BZRP Music Sessions #53

Bizarrap displays his watch on several occasions. It’s not accidental either. Who doesn’t remember his session with Shakira, where one of the lines generated the most comments: «Cambiaste un Rolex por un Casio.»

Snippet from the short film «BIZAPOP» announcing the BZRP Music Sessions Vol. 57 / YouTube.

The collaboration between the Argentine producer and the Colombian soloist is inevitably heading toward 1 billion views on YouTube and has been the artist’s most popular song for months. A pop song that seems to foreshadow what’s to come.

BZRP Music Sessions #52

2022 had an undisputed king: the session with Quevedo. The throne of Latin urban music went global and is the centerpiece of Biza’s celebration with his die-hard fans. That picture of millions of views is a testament to the power of the new musical talent’s unity.

Snippet from the short film «BIZAPOP» announcing the BZRP Music Sessions Vol. 57 / YouTube.

BZRP Music Sessions #10

When Bizarrap starts to show slides of messages that seem to criticize his musical direction, the producer displays a message from social media but from the future… On November 12, 2023, someone recalls his session number 10 with Frijo as the best of his career.

Snippet from the short film «BIZAPOP» announcing the BZRP Music Sessions Vol. 57 / YouTube.

The message seems clear that what’s coming after this Bizapop phase is a return to his roots. We’ll see…

And the #57

Now it remains officially undisclosed who will accompany Bizarrap in BZRP Music Sessions #57, and everyone seems to focus on the blurred photo seen in the background of Bizarrap Records’ office.

You need a very good memory and keen eyesight to remember that the image seems to be Justin Bieber’s… The theory ends there, and there are only a few hours left to discover what’s true or if the producer’s message of «who do I need to listen to» will lead to a solo session.