What is Ozempic: Celebrity Weight Loss Secret & Its Dangers

This trend has left many diabetic patients without their usual treatment

Ozempic is a medication with semaglutide as its active ingredient. It was initially developed to treat type 2 diabetes, but it has also turned out to be an effective tool in fighting obesity.

Although few people have openly admitted it, the noticeable weight loss of many Hollywood celebrities has led to speculation that this transformation in stars like Oprah Winfrey and Kelly Clarkson might be due to using this medication. However, Lady Gaga and Kim Kardashian are among the most famous celebrities who have acknowledged taking it.

The drastic weight loss seen in Hollywood has led to many questions about how this treatment works and the potential risks involved. Additionally, using this medication for weight loss is causing a shortage of the drug.

How Does Ozempic Work?

Semaglutide, the active ingredient in Ozempic, stimulates the pancreas to release insulin, which is essential for lowering blood glucose levels. It also promotes the growth of pancreatic beta cells, responsible for producing and releasing insulin. Additionally, semaglutide inhibits the production of glucagon, a hormone that promotes the release of stored carbohydrates in the liver and the synthesis of new glucose, helping to regulate blood glucose levels.

Besides helping to lower blood sugar, Ozempic can also assist with weight loss, making it a great option for people with type 2 diabetes who also struggle with being overweight or obese. Ozempic works by slowing down digestion, which helps you feel full longer. In short, it makes you feel more satisfied, so you eat less and lose weight.

Risks & Side Effects of Ozempic

Like any medication, Ozempic has its side effects. Common ones include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and possibly low blood sugar in people with diabetes. More serious side effects are rare but can include diabetic eye disease, inflammation of the pancreas, and potential allergic reactions.

Ozempic needle injection pen. Jaap Arriens/Getty Images.

Even though Ozempic has been shown to help with weight loss, it’s important to remember it’s not a miracle cure. Like many other weight loss methods, semaglutide comes with a significant downside: the rebound effect. People who used semaglutide for obesity often regained about two-thirds of the weight they lost during the treatment.

So, it’s important to be aware of the risks of using Ozempic for anything other than its intended purpose. Always talk to a healthcare professional before starting any weight loss treatment.

Shortage of Ozempic

Due to all the reasons mentioned earlier, the use of Ozempic in private weight loss clinics has worsened the shortage. According to a report by El País, it has been found that Ozempic is being sold without a prescription in some pharmacies, which could lead to administrative penalties.

Take Spain, for example. It turns out that more than half of the Ozempic units sold were not covered by public financing. This indicates that many people are using the drug for weight loss rather than for treating type 2 diabetes. This shortage has left many diabetic patients without their usual treatment.

Original article in Spanish for LOS40 Spain.