Was Ángela Aguilar and Nodal’s Wedding Fake?: No Civil Record Found

The couple tied the knot on July 24 at a luxurious estate in Mexico

Archivado en: Ángela Aguilar  •   Christian Nodal  •  

Since their wedding on July 27 at a luxurious estate in Morelos, Christian Nodal and Ángela Aguilar have been the focus of various rumors on social media. Speculations include Ángela being pregnant, a prenuptial agreement against infidelity by Christian Nodal, and alleged early arguments, keeping the couple in the public eye.

This doesn’t overlook the speculation about his ex-partner, as rumors of an alleged infidelity also circulated online. However, Nodal addressed and denied these claims right from the start. Recently, there’s been a new rumor suggesting that their wedding might not have been real. According to reports circulating online, their union may not be legally recognized, as it ‘doesn’t appear’ in the Civil Registry.

Was It Fake?

Despite the rumors, the couple has been enjoying their time together. They both have shared photos from their wedding and honeymoon in Los Cabos, Baja California, on social media.

However, the suddenness of their marriage has led some social media users to question whether they were truly in love enough to marry. This prompted a search for their civil marriage record, but nothing was found. As a result, many now believe the wedding may have been just a symbolic ceremony.

Marriage Confirmed

Amid the wave of online speculation, the entertainment program ‘De Primera Mano’ reported that the director of the Civil Registry of Morelos confirmed that the marriage of Pepe Aguilar’s daughter and Nodal is legally recognized.

However, he clarified that the official record is not yet available because the couple married in the municipality of Amacuzac, which submits its records to the central office once a month. As a result, their marriage certificate is still being processed.