Camilo: “The more time I spend with Evaluna, the more I realize how privileged I am”

The Colombian star returns to LOS40 Global Show

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Camilo is back at the LOS40 studios to visit LOS40 Global Show and chat with our host Tony Aguilar about the latest news in his career. Don’t miss out!

The Origin of ‘Un,’ ‘Dos,’ ‘Tres,’ and ‘Cuatro’

“It’s a type of format that I didn’t know how to do, since it’s a type of music that I haven’t mastered. It’s very special because it was a very risky experiment. I liked the idea of getting outside my comfort zone. Evaluna and I went to Miami with the idea of recording one song, but then three songs came out, and those later turned into ‘Un.’”

Always with Evaluna

“We’re always together. Touring and not being together is weird. Leaving home, saying goodbye, and heading to another place without her is strange. So, we planned to travel everywhere together… The more time I spend with my wife, the more time we share, the more I realize how privileged I am to have a wife like her.”


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Amaranto, his Second Child

“His name is going to be Amaranto and we’re so happy. We are a family of four now and that makes me very happy. Evaluna is very happy too. Calmly, step by step…”


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