Chris Martin - Improvised Birthday Song

Chris Martin Improvised a B-Day Song for a 10-Year-Old-Fan

Coldplay surprised thousands of attendees while performing in Canada

Coldplay has taken their connection with fans during concerts to a whole new level. Throughout their tours, it’s not uncommon to see different individuals invited onto the stage to sing or play instruments alongside them. However, what occurred a few days ago when The British quartet was performing in Vancouver, Canada, as part of their worldwide Music of the Spheres World Tour, was truly exceptional. 

Among the thousands of attendees was Leo, a young and devoted fan of the band who happened to be celebrating his birthday on that very day, September 23rd. Without hesitation, Chris Martin invited the boy and his mother to join him at the keyboard to gave the best birthday gift they could offer: a song. But not just any song from their repertoire; instead, an improvised one in which the lead vocalist and songwriter expressed his gratitude for Leo’s presence at their live performance, celebrating his 10th B-Day. 

     Leo, I’m so happy that you’re sitting with me
It’s your very first concert, it’s 2023
I’m happy that you’re here with us
With me and my band of men
I can’t think of a better place to be when you turn 10
You could go and see Justin Bieber
He’s much more sexy than me
Or you could go and see Ed Sheeran
He can do crazy things, you see
Or you could go and see Jay-Z
You could go and see Taylor Swift
You could go and see Beyoncé
She’s really a God’s gift
But Leo Leo Leo
All I want to say
Oh Leo Leo Leo
Thanks for being here today
Oh Leo Leo Leo
I hope to blow you away
Thanks, my brother Leo
For coming to see Coldplay.”


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The improvisation, clever rhymes, and shout-outs to fellow musicians ignited cheers and excitement from the audience, making it one of the most unforgettable moments of the tour. This impromptu performance is likely a memory Leo will cherish forever and undoubtedly ranks among the best birthday gifts of his young life. Despite the lyrical simplicity, Martin demonstrated his nimble and quick compositional skills qualities that have always defined Coldplay.