NASA’s Lunar Playlist: Featuring Adele, BTS, Katy Perry & More

The team on board Artemis II is still open to receiving recommendations for their space playlist

Archivado en: Adele  •   Ariana Grande  •   BTS  •   Coldplay  •   Katy Perry  •  

In outer space, sound doesn’t travel the same way as it does on Earth, but the love for music remains strong. That’s why NASA is carefully crafting the ultimate playlist, which will serve as the official soundtrack for their upcoming lunar mission. This playlist has already been made available on popular streaming platforms and features well-known artists like Adele, BTS, Katy Perry, Coldplay, and Bruno Mars. 

These are just a few of the many artists contributing to this historic mission, with their music set to resonate on the lunar surface. The playlist covers a wide range of musical genres and styles, though it’s noteworthy that it primarily features Anglo-Saxon music, with a noticeable absence of Latin music. 

NASA Moon Tunes

The Artemis II crew is open to suggestions for their space playlist, considering the possibility that extraterrestrial life might one day enjoy these human creations as a testament to our artistic talent and emotions. NASA is diligently preparing for its upcoming lunar mission, which commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission. 

Of course, no space-themed playlist would be complete without iconic tracks like David Bowie’s «Space Oddity,» Frank Sinatra’s «Fly Me to the Moon,» R.E.M.’s «Man on the Moon,» Elton John’s «Rocket Man,» Billie Holiday’s «Blue Moon,» Train’s «Drops of Jupiter,» The Police’s «Walking on the Moon,» The Killers’ «Spaceman,» The Beatles’ «Across the Universe,» Adele’s «Skyfall,» Coldplay’s «A Sky Full of Stars,» Duran Duran’s «New Moon on Monday,» and many more space-related references. 

This carefully curated playlist is a treasure trove of musical delights, featuring tracks like Katy Perry’s «E.T.,» Foo Fighters’ «Learn to Fly,» Toploader’s «Dancing in the Moonlight,» Ariana Grande’s «NASA,» and Moby’s «We’re All Made of Stars,» among numerous others. These songs will accompany the mission, as NASA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) have introduced the four astronauts who will embark on a lunar journey aboard Artemis II.


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This significant mission marks the initial step in NASA’s goal to establish a sustained human presence on the Moon, laying the foundation for scientific exploration and paving the way for future missions to Mars. This reflects NASA’s strategic vision of «Moon to Mars» exploration. 

Read the article in Spanish for LOS40.