
Is Shakira Embarrassed by Her Old Songs?

The Colombian singer has admitted to some of the mistakes she made in the past

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We all experience it —looking back and cringing at how we used to dress, act, or even sing. Shakira recently talked about this during her guest appearance on the latest episode of the season on the YouTube channel ‘First We Feast,’ where artists take on one of the toughest challenges in entertainment: eating spicy food.

Shakira, who was promoting Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran, bravely faced the spicy food challenge until she couldn’t handle it anymore. However, one of the moments that’s going viral on social media is her discussion about those cringeworthy moments from her past.

Her unexpected answer refers directly to Servicio de Lavandería (Laundry Service), the album she released in both English and Spanish, featuring songs like «Suerte (Whenever, Wherever…)». It’s worth noting that the Colombian is talking about the location where the album was made, not its content.

“I think I used to overdo the cries in my voice. I think it was exaggerated. A little baroque. You know? Too much Shakira,” she confessed jokingly as she brought her hands to her face. This prompted the host to remind her to be careful about touching her eyes while handling spicy sauces.

“I noticed that after my pregnancies, my voice got thicker, more rounded, more full,» she explained, «Also, my choices are more mature. I have evolved as a woman, as a person. My intellect has evolved.” replied the Colombian.

Not the Only Regret

As Shakira admits, one of the biggest mistakes of her career was creating a giant cobra for one of her early tours. Just the creation alone cost her over a million dollars, and transporting it between cities worldwide ended up making the tour a financial loss. Surprisingly, it was one of her busiest tours in terms of concerts performed and tickets sold.

It’s interesting to note that in some interviews from years ago, she’s joked about her early days as her ‘dark past’. She finds it hard to watch videos of her appearances in some soap operas like El Oasis, or the covers of her albums Magia and Peligro, because her image has changed so much since then.