C. Tangana’s Fame Reflection: «Nobody Cares About You»

El Madrileño made this confession in the new season of Jordi Évole's Spanish program

Archivado en: C.Tangana  •  

C. Tangana has become one of the most interesting figures in the Spanish music scene. Hailing from southern Madrid, has consistently adapted to the changing demands of the music industry. That’s why his album El Madrileño was the best-selling record in Spain in 2021, both in physical and digital formats, and it made a big impact in Latin America.

As he puts it in his song «Avida Dollars,» he sees making money and doing business as an art form. Now, Pucho (one of C. Tangana’s aliases) is the first guest in the new season of Jordi Évole’s TV show. While we don’t know much about their conversation yet, in the teaser, C. Tangana has already made some interesting comments. 

@atresmediacom 🔥 Jordi Évole VUELVE con @C. Tangana como primer invitado NUEVA TEMPORADA de ‘Lo de Évole’, próximo domingo ESTRENO, a las 21:30 h, en #laSexta 📺 #JordiÉvole #LoDeÉvole #laSexta #CTangana #Pucho ♬ sonido original – Atresmediacom

In the video, we can see him and the host sitting across from each other at a restaurant, having dinner. C. Tangana shares a thought: “Being on stage makes us think that people are really interested in our lives. But then you realize that it doesn’t matter because nobody really cares about you… People go home, and they care about their families, their loved ones, but they don’t care about you,” C. Tangana concludes. 

In a tweet promoting the show, La Sexta shares more of their conversation. Évole asks C. Tangana, “Did you always think about making it big?” and C. Tangana responds emphatically, “Honestly, yes. I’ve always had this somewhat narcissistic desire to do something significant. I want to make a mark on the world —it’s an ambitious goal.”

Esta ambición desmedida (This unbridled ambition) 

On Thursday, October 26th, the Spanish cinemas premiered Esta ambición desmedida, a project by C. Tangana in collaboration with Little Spain. This film, which runs for 1 hour and 58 minutes, combines the intimacy of a reality show, the depth of a documentary, and the aesthetics of a major motion picture. It’s also a three-act tragedy and a unique opportunity for fans of C. Tangana, whether they know him as ‘Crema’ or ‘El Madrileño,’ to get closer to the idol —appropriately so, considering his 2017 album.