The New Anitta has a Challenge for You: "It's difficult but liberating"

The ‘New Anitta’ Has a Challenge for You: «It’s Difficult but Liberating»

The Brazilian artist assures that despite being a long journey, it's worth it

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In recent weeks, we’ve told you that after a personally and professionally challenging period for Anitta, the Brazilian singer turned to a spiritual advisor who, over the past year, has tried to help her overcome that situation both physically and mentally. And the results seem to be evident.

The explosive diva, who is one of the most influential Latin artist in the world, is currently experiencing one of the best moments of her career, and she attributes it all to the challenge she accepted in the past and is now launching through her social media so that all her followers can also be encouraged to undertake it. The reward appears to be inner peace and happiness that aren’t always within reach for everyone.

Anitta, in the images she has recently posted / Instagram

If life invited you to look inside, without makeup, without masks, without disguises… would you have the courage?A lucid, conscious look, without drugs or additives to help… a vision that opens according to your courage and disposition,» Anitta begins to explain.

The Brazilian artist has included several photos from her isolation, where she has sought to find herself in a beautiful natural environment surrounded by animals. In this setting, what matters most is knowing how to manage your own ego.

«Embarking on self-knowledge is a path of no return, painful, intense, profound but miraculous, truly healing. It opens the doors for you to become aware of your true SELF, it gives you the opportunity to choose to have control over your Ego,» she adds.

And to encourage those taking on the challenge, she shares a glimpse of her personal journey: «The fight against mine was difficult, but after 1 year, after visiting my mentor for the third time, today after 5 days disconnected from everything and everyone, offline and completely surrendered, today I follow another chapter of life with great gratitude and proud of my courage. Looking inside is not easy, looking at your fear, talking to it, looking at your shadow, learning to love it, meeting your ego and understanding it, fighting against this power that knows all your weaknesses so intimately and will not think twice before using them to try to make you give up. It’s difficult, but it’s freeing.»

And you, do you dare to discover your «inner self» as the Brazilian singer recommends?