Duki's Emotional Words to Bizarrap

Duki’s Emotional Words to Bizarrap: «It’s a Pleasure»

They both delivered an incredible performance at Hipódromo de Palermo in Buenos Aires

Archivado en: Bizarrap  •   Duki  •  

Duki and Bizarrap share a very good friendship and even have a lot of things in common. Their lives changed thanks to the rise of Argentine Talent Factory ‘Quinto Escalón’. After that, they have emerged as two of the biggest artists in the region, blanketing charts worldwide.

Now the urban rapper has taken the opportunity to dedicate some nice words to his friend, after their incredible performance in Buenos Aires.


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Rising Together to Stardom

The experience of the last few days at the Hipódromo de Palermo (Buenos Aires) has been unique and very special. Bizarrap has become the protagonist of three shows that have marked a before and after in his career, performing in front of 20,000 people who have followed each and every one of the songs that were playing.

In this adventure he has been accompanied by Duki, whom he has known for years and with whom he has lived unforgettable moments. The rapper has been on stage to perform with him one of the most anticipated sessions of his career and that has meant so much, not only for the producer, but also for the interpreter of ‘Givenchy’.

Duki has only kind words for his friend, and that is something he has shown on social media, where he has transmitted his thoughts after three nights of strong emotions.

«Congratulations for so many achievements brother, it’s a pleasure to continue making way by your side @bizarrap. And this just starts», says Duki in the caption of the photo. An image in which the Argentine compares a high-five on stage with the producer with the work of Michelangelo’s ‘Creation of Adam’.

But that’s not all. The producer has emotionally responded to his friend among the comments, thus demonstrating that what music has united, no one will separate it. «Thanks for your support, brother. A pleasure to share this road with you,» he says. Other friends and colleagues of both artists also wanted to share their emotion at the beautiful dedication of the Argentine rapper. Lit Killah and Asan were also among them.


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What is clear is that filling the Hipódromo de Palermo for three days in a row is something that not any artist can achieve. But Bizarrap is capable of that, and even more, considering that his songs have become true international anthems. They gather millions and millions of views on digital platforms and, after the release of a new session, their fans already have their sights set on the next one.

The last one to go through his studio has been Arcángel. Who will be the next one? We will have to wait for the producer to recover from the emotional hangover of these last shows.

You can read the Spanish version of this article by Laura Coca here: ‘Las bonitas palabras de Duki a Bizarrap en uno de los días más especiales de su vida