25 Sex And the City Quotes

25 Years of ‘Sex and the City’: 25 Fabulous Quotes From Carrie Bradshaw & The Girls

The iconic and glamorous series premiered in 1998 and now HBO has revived it

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On June 6, 1998, the world met for the first time the four inseparable friends from Sex and the City. Today marks 25 years since we first saw Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker), the stylish sex and relationship columnist; Samantha Jones (Kim Cattrall), the powerful and outspoken publicist; Miranda Forbes (Cynthia Nixon), the skeptical lawyer; and Charlotte York (Kristin Davis), the romantic and sweet art gallery owner. For 16 years, they were those fabulous and successful friends many of us wanted to be.

And despite the disagreements and conflicts that arose on and off the set (we recently reported that Kim Catrall was returning briefly in the new installment after a few years of controversy), Sex and the City remains that iconic series that we wouldn’t stop watching. They have left us with styles, lessons, streets, loves, and words that will forever be etched in the history of television and in many memories.


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Its success crossed borders, and that’s why HBO Max didn’t want to miss the opportunity to give its audience those 6 memorable seasons we experienced alongside Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda. Furthermore, its 25th anniversary coincides with the announcement of Samantha Jones’ timely return to the series in And Just Like That, the sequel to Sex and the City, which will have a third season.

25 Quotes for 25 Years of ‘Sex And The City’

To commemorate the 25 years of a series that tackled topics of female sexuality and relationships from a new perspective, here are some of its most iconic and fabulous quotes.

  1. «The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself».- Carrie Bradshaw
  2. «Maybe we can be each other’s soul mates. And then we can let men be just these great, nice guys to have fun with». – Charlotte York.
  3. «I want to enjoy my success, not apologize for it». – Miranda Hobbes
  4. «I love you but I love me more». – Samantha Jones
  5. «It takes twice as long as you’ve been dating a person to forget them». – Carrie Bradshaw
  6. «Friendship is the onus of relationships. If you don’t want a relationship with me you don’t have my friendship». – Charlotte York.
  7. «If they make love to you wrong once it’s their fault, if they make love to you twice it’s yours». – Samantha Jones
  8. «You can never have too many pairs of shoes». – Carrie Bradshaw
  9. «Sexy is how I try to be seen after what I earn with my personality». – Miranda Hobbes
  10. «Don’t forget to fall in love with you first».- Carrie Bradshaw.
  11. «Listen to me, the ideal man is just an illusion. Start living your lives». Samantha Jones
  12. “Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed. Maybe they just need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them” -Carrie Bradshaw.
  13. «They say nothing lasts forever: dreams change, fashions come and go, but friendships never go out of style.» – Carrie Bradshaw
  14. «If a guy gets angry, he’s energetic. A woman…she’s emotional.» – Samantha Jones
  15. «True romance cannot exist without good sex». – Miranda Hobbes
  16. «Sometimes it’s really hard to walk in the shoes of a single woman. That’s why every now and then we need some really special ones to make the road more fun». – Carrie Bradshaw
  17. «No matter how much it hurts sometimes, it’s better to be alone than fake it». – Carrie Bradshaw
  18. “If I worried about what every bitch in New York was saying about me, I’d never leave the house»- Samantha Jones
  19. «It wasn’t logic, it was love». – Carrie Bradshaw
  20. «Maybe you have to let go of who you were and become who you will be». – Carrie Bradshaw
  21. «Who we are in bed is who we are in life. I’ve never met a man who was bad in bed and good at life”. – Samantha Jones
  22. «Orgasms don’t send romantic cards or hold your hand during a sad movie». – Charlotte York
  23. «I don’t have a plan, I have a dress». – Carrie Bradshaw
  24. «Life gives you plenty of chances to screw up, which means you have just as many chances to get it right».- Carrie Bradshaw
  25. «If you find someone who loves you the way you love you? Well, that’s really fabulous».- Carrie Bradshaw