NE-YO Girlfriends

NE-YO’s Polyamorous Life: How He Manages His Time with Four Girlfriends

Polyamory and open relationships are becoming more common in modern society

NE-YO, the R&B superstar, is known for hits like ‘Closer,’ ‘Mad,’ and ‘Because of You’. However, he also has four girlfriends. It might be something we didn’t expect, but the truth is that polyamory and open relationships are becoming more common in modern society, which is slowly moving away from the outdated idea of romantic love.

Recently, the singer sat down with Big Boy’s Neighborhood—host of the radio station REAL 92.3 – LA’s NEW HOME FOR HIP HOP—to discuss his current relationship status. As we’ve learned, the American artist has four girlfriends, and he’s introduced them to the world.

“Since the world is so intrigued, I guess I should introduce my loves properly. LADIES AND GENTS I PRESENT MY PYRAMID,” he said, also posting it on his Instagram profile. He posted a video featuring his four partners, listing their names and Instagram handles in the post description:

  • Cristina aka PB (Pretty Baby): runs a beauty company
  • Arielle aka TF (Twin Flame): photographer
  • MONEII aka PF (Phoenix Feather): makeup artist
  • BRI aka SLS (Sexy Lil’ Somethin’): professional dancer

‘The funniest thing,’ he admitted, ‘is when some men approach me secretly.’ These are the moments when husbands give him a quiet pat on the back and congratulate him for ‘living life’ in this way, while publicly promising their wives that they would never do the same and that they’ll always be with them.

How Ne-Yo Manages His Time

Among other questions, the host of Real 92.3 LA asked him how he manages his time, whether they all go out together, or if he spends individual time with each one.

“Of course. We go out together all the time […] I’m the one who organizes the schedules because I’m the busiest of the five. I’m the one who always have something to do[…] It’s random, but for example, during this tour, each one has stayed with me for seven days,” he explained.

He mentioned that it’s ‘a really beautiful thing.’ “Then, if there are birthdays, vacations, or anything else… They all get along very well with each other and have no problem hanging out together. But I think the most important thing is understanding that they’re four individual women, and they all need their own time alone,” he added.