Danna Childhood

A Glimpse Into Danna’s Childhood Through the Eyes of a Classmate

An anecdote sheds light on how the singer’s life changed at a young age

Archivado en: Danna Paola  •  

Danna has always been in the spotlight, and while she now shines as one of Mexico’s most prominent stars, her childhood was anything but typical. From her early roles in telenovelas like Amy, la niña de la mochila azul to her musical success with hits like ‘Sodio,’ fame has been a defining factor in her life from a young age.

Recently, a former elementary school classmate, Jazmín Mejía, shared on social media what it was like to attend school with Danna. While many might think having a famous friend would be exciting, things weren’t always easy for the young actress.

The conversation started when a fan account called Danna Paola Site posted a photo of her from her school days on Facebook. This prompted Jazmín to share her memories. According to her, both attended Colegio Carmel, though Danna wasn’t a regular student in the usual sense. “The truth is, she missed a lot of school. She’d only show up about four times a month because she was busy working on TV,” Jazmín explained.

Because of her fame, the school implemented special measures to protect the young star. During recess, half of the playground was closed off so Danna could enjoy her lunch in peace with her best friend, as other students would often try to get close to her.

“Everyone wanted to be friends with her. I even wrote her letters asking if she’d be my friend, and she always accepted them so kindly. Even though we didn’t talk much, she was always sweet to me,” Jazmín shared.

The Challenges of Growing Up Famous

Being a child star in her home country wasn’t always easy for Danna. According to Jazmín, the constant attention from her classmates often became overwhelming: “She cried a lot because she couldn’t do normal things like other kids. I think she didn’t completely understand why she couldn’t have a life like her classmates—or maybe she did, but it hurt her not to feel like a normal child.”

Despite the challenges, Jazmín remembers Danna as a kind and cheerful girl, often wearing pigtails and enjoying herself during gym class.