Paris Hilton Speaks Out About Teenage Abuse: What She Said

The socialite testified before the US Congress on Thursday, June 27th

Archivado en: Paris Hilton  •  

Thursday, June 27, left some images that will not be erased from the minds of many for some time. Paris Hilton has testified before the U.S. Congressional committee about the «inhumane treatment» she suffered during her teenage years at a boarding school. She has also wanted to use the moment to call for child welfare programs to be modernized to prevent others from going through what she went through in the past.

«I am here to be the voice of those who cannot speak,» the celebrity has begun to say in after recounting some of the abuses she suffered in one of the behavioral correction residences where she was interned. «They forced me to take medication and sexually abused me. I was violently restrained and dragged through the corridors, stripped naked and locked in solitary confinement,» the celebrity explained. Undoubtedly, it was a very harsh story that left everyone present speechless.

It is not the first time that the DJ comments on this episode of her life, but now the story is different, because she has testified before the US Congress. In her story, Paris has also told how her parents were «deceived and manipulated» by the school.

«They just thought it was going to be a normal boarding school,» she said. «And when I got there, there was no therapy. We would just constantly be torn down, abused, screamed and yelled at,» Hilton testified. «So if I said even one negative thing about the facility, they immediately would hang up the phone and then I would be punished and either physically beaten or thrown into solitary confinement,» she added.

Hilton, who attended Provo Canyon School in her adolescence, had already mentioned this episode from her past in Paris: The Memoir and in various media interviews. «So can you imagine the treatment provided by the state without regular inspections?» she stated.

«It costs approximately $800 to $1,000 a day to place a young person in a foster care facility, which is significantly more than it would cost to care for them in their own communities. What is more important, protecting corporate profits or protecting the lives of young people?» she questioned.