
C. Tangana Responds If There Will Be a Collaboration with Rosalía

The performer of "Tú Me Dejaste de Querer" answers the million-dollar question


C. Tangana has been the first guest of the new season of Spanish TV show Lo de Évole, and his conversation has helped us get to know «Pucho» (how he’s called in Spain, his motherland) better, who hasn’t held back when discussing addictions, therapy, ego, and many other topics that not everyone dares to talk about on television.

At a certain point in the conversation, Spanish journalist Jordi Évole confessed to Tangana that he had made a bet with a friend about the couple sitting on a park bench at the beginning of the ‘Tú Me Dejaste de Querer’ music video. This was his moment to bring up the topic of Rosalía.

We all remember that there was a time when they were a couple. «There was a time when it was all the time,» the singer acknowledged. And Évole admitted that he had lost the bet because he had insisted that the guy and the girl on that bench were Tangana and Rosalía.

«That never happened with Rosalía on a bench in Madrid, in a park. Well, I’ve been on some benches, but I’ve never been in that attitude they’re in, sharing music on a phone,» Tangana admitted. However, he agreed with the interviewer that it was nice for two artists who later became powerful in the scene to coincide at an early stage in their careers.

Possible Collab?

«I think we’re not at the same level. The impact Rosalía has had is much greater than what I’ve had, especially internationally. That’s obvious, I don’t think it’s the same,» he acknowledged about the dimension both careers have taken after their separation.

Évole asked him about the amount a record label would have to put on the table for them to collaborate on a song. «The other day, Rafa Arcaute told me, just recently, in a studio in Madrid. Anything can happen in life,» he said, much to the joy of many who still dream of that collaboration, which he doesn’t rule out.

That would indeed be a bombshell in the industry. However, for now, Tangana is still in Spain, and Rosalía has moved to the United States, where she is enjoying her current relationship with Jeremy Allen White. But as we know, when it comes to making music, there are no distances.

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