Chiara Ferragni Facts

12 Surprising Facts About Chiara Ferragni

From her favorite show to her idea of the good life


Chiara Ferragni spent this week in Spain to launch a new vegan cosmetics collection from Goa Organics, where she serves as the face of the brand. The Italian influencer spoke about the stage she’s in now, rebuilding herself after her breakup with Fedez. She also shared her love for music, revealing that her favorite song right now is by Billie Eilish.

During the press conference at Wow Concept, Chiara was her usual chatty self and expressed how eager she is for people to really get to know her. And what better way to do that than by sharing some fun facts about herself, which she revealed during the event.

1. Favorite Smell

My favorite smell is pizza or cookies when you walk into someone’s home.

2. Something that Hasn’t Changed About Me

Believing that everyone is good and trusting in that. I might be a bit naive, but I think it’s nice to believe that, overall, people are good.

For me, the good life starts with feeling proud of who you are and enjoying the moment you’re in. Sometimes we get too caught up in our goals, and it can be hard to focus on the present and appreciate where we are. But when you learn to do that, I think that’s where true happiness comes from. Also, to live a good life, you need to be healthy, and your family needs to be healthy too. Without health, the good life isn’t possible.

4. A Fun Outing with Kids

For me, any plan that gets us out of the house is a good one. We do have fun at home, but I think taking the kids shopping, to a museum, to the park, or out for an adventure—those are the memories that stick. It’s really important to me that we create those moments together.

@chiaraferragni♬ original sound – Chiara Ferragni

5. A Mantra for Overcoming the Fear of Public Exposure

I’d say that since people are going to judge you no matter what, just go ahead and do it. It’s impossible for everyone to understand you, no matter what you do, so act with good intentions and stay true to yourself. And keep in mind, what you’re doing is for you and the people who do understand you. There’s no one in the world who’s universally loved and free from judgment.

6. A Sign of Good Taste

I was going to say there isn’t just one thing, but confidence is what really defines style. We all need more self-confidence. I wish that for myself and for everyone, because when you’re confident, you give off an energy that people can feel. Suddenly, it doesn’t matter what fragrance you’re wearing or what clothes you have on—your energy speaks for itself.

7. A Cause to Support

For me, the most important cause is women’s rights. I’ve been very fortunate. I’m well-known, I have a certain amount of influence, but even so, I still see the differences in how women are treated. Being a woman is tough. Yes, things have changed and continue to improve compared to a few years ago, but progress is slow, and it happens step by step. We’ve grown up with a lot of old-fashioned ideas, like women having to compete with each other or wanting things in life simply because we were told that’s the path to follow. Ideally, we should all have the freedom to choose for ourselves.

But beyond that, when I talk about women’s rights, it’s not just about having equal rights with men, which is crucial, but also about building a community of women who lift each other up instead of competing. This is something I’m really passionate about. Too often, we see women competing for the same space, but deep down, there’s no real conflict between them. We’ve been taught to believe that there isn’t enough room for all of us and that we have to fight for our place—that’s something we need to change.

8. A Movie

Forrest Gump, always.

9. A Series That’s Addictive

I’m currently watching The Perfect Couple on Netflix, and no spoilers, please—I haven’t finished it yet.

10. A Go-To Beauty Product

Lip gloss, especially from my own brand. We just launched a volumizing gloss that I absolutely love. It’s true that a little extra volume won’t change your life, but it’s a nice touch! And if we’re talking beyond just the face, Cotton Lust for its scent—it doesn’t smell like pizza, but it’s still amazing.

@chiaraferragni @ChiaraFerragniBrand ♬ original sound – Chiara Ferragni

11. A Lucky Charm

I have a tiny plastic giraffe that used to belong to my daughter. She chewed on it when she was teething, and now I take it with me whenever I travel.

12. A Dream Yet to Fulfill

To be happy. I know it’s impossible to be happy all the time, but feeling at peace—which is, in a way, its own kind of happiness. Knowing who I am, where I am, and feeling proud of it.

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