
Anuel Responds Threateningly to Arcángel’s Beef: «I’m Not Afraid of Prison»

The feud between reggaeton stars continues to escalate


«Tiraeras» within the urban genre are no joke. Instead, they are a way to formalize and escalate personal conflicts among superstars, as is the case we’ve been covering this week: the public feud between Arcángel and Anuel AA, who are starring in what could be the showdown of the year in the scene.

It all started when the performer of «Por Amar a Ciegas» revealed in a recent interview that his relationship with Anuel was not the best. This somehow prompted the reggaeton artist to explode on social media, making certain accusations against Arcángel on his Instagram account. A few hours later, the latter releases a diss track, «FN8» (that, by the way, already has nearly 10 million views in 48 hours), saying everything to Anuel AA.

Anuel AA’s Response: «Nobody is afraid to go jail for breaking your face»

This has only intensified the tone of the public discussion because now it’s Anuel AA who has expressed himself on social media in the most threatening way. This past Tuesday, he posted on Instagram, stating that Arcángel belonged to the «cártel de los sapos» (meaning, the snitch cartel) and directing some unpleasant messages to him.

In an image where both artists are together, Anuel accompanies the following text:

«Look at yourself there, Arcángel, taking your finger off the trigger, the one you use to stick up your a** and to point while joking because you’ve never in your life held a gun. He thought he was tough when he was with me. You’re a snitch! And the one you had speak in the song is also a snitch. (…) I’ve always been with devils and have been one, and you nor yours have ever had the balls to have the problems I’ve had,» writes the artist of «Mejor Que Yo.» He then accuses Arcángel of having the police guarding his house. «Tell the undercover cops in front of your house to fuck off and leave, nothing is going to happen to you there (…) your kids and family are there, the big problem you have is yours, not theirs, ‘dummy.'»

Anuel AA in an interview / Cindy Ord

As if that weren’t enough – and interleaving two advertising commitments between one post and another on Instagram Stories – Anuel directs another threat to Arcángel just a few minutes later. «They know, let them tell it, that I did it and I’m still waiting for them to do something, and they haven’t done shit. You have a rolling barracks in front of your house (…) Nobody here is afraid to go to jail for breaking your face, I’ve done time, stupid, I’m not afraid of prison, that’s you, the police won’t save you,» he concludes.

It seems that the conflict between the two artists continues to escalate in the least pleasant way possible. We know that resolving a «tiraera» amicably is practically impossible, but we hope things will be resolved soon between them! Additionally, Anuel AA has just returned to public life after a month away following a life-threatening surgery, so we hope the waters will soon calm down in the scene.

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