Better Man Chimpanzee

Interview on Better Man: Why Is Robbie Williams Portrayed as a Chimpanzee?

The film takes us on an emotional journey, following the singer's rise and fall with fame


Better Man is a 2024 musical biopic co-written, produced, and directed by Michael Gracey. It tells the story of British singer Robbie Williams, but with an unexpected twist—he is portrayed by an anthropomorphic chimpanzee. According to Williams, this unusual choice reflects how he has always felt “less evolved” than others.

In this deeply personal film, Williams opens up about the people he has hurt, his struggles with mental health, and his past dependence on antidepressants. Years later, he chooses to talk about these experiences with honesty and self-reflection.

Better Man takes viewers on an emotional journey, exploring Robbie Williams’ rise and fall with fame, the people who helped him through tough times, and his deep love for his grandmother.

The film also features performances of his biggest hits, including ‘Angels.’

Interview with Robbie Williams

Gaby Cam sat down with Robbie Williams for an exclusive interview with ‘De Estreno,’ where he shared whether he has found a way to overcome impostor syndrome—or if it’s still something he struggles with today.

Director Michael Gracey, best known for The Greatest Showman, one of the most acclaimed musicals of the century, had Robbie Williams’ full support to take an unconventional approach—portraying him as a computer-generated chimpanzee.

To bring this idea to life, actor Jonno Davies was filmed using motion capture technology. But Williams didn’t want to sit on the sidelines for his own story. Not only does he serve as the film’s narrator, but in the final scenes, he also lends his voice to the chimpanzee version of himself.

Have you seen Better Man yet? Let us know your thoughts on social media!

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