Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is poised to become one of the standout RPGs of 2024

‘Final Fantasy VII Rebirth’ Preview

We went hands-on with one of the games poised to become one of the standout RPGs of 2024


This year has witnessed the release of some of the finest titles in the gaming industry, possibly the best of this generation. But what does 2024 have in store for us? On February 29, taking advantage of the leap year, the second part of the trilogy of one of the world’s most iconic sagas, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, the sequel to Final Fantasy VII Remake, will be making its grand entrance. 

Thanks to Square-Enix’s invitation, we had the privilege of getting a sneak peek, and we can confidently attest that the essence of the game remains true to its roots, blending real-time attacks and movements with the flexibility to issue commands to each team member as the action gauge allows. One of the standout features is the introduction of team movements, the inclusion of colorful Chocobos – those endearing avian companions that serve as your trusty steed, and, above all, a storyline that promises to leave us spellbound.

And let’s not forget about the breathtaking visuals and sound effects that will undoubtedly push the limits of the PlayStation 5, the exclusive platform for this remarkable release. In this two-part demo, spanning approximately 1 hour of gameplay, we delved into the heart of this upcoming adventure with a particular focus on its stunning graphics. 

Expanding the World of Midgar 

The first part of our experience led us into a flashback set five years earlier, with Cloud and Sephiroth approaching the Mt. Nibel reactor. It became evident that the core gameplay closely resembled that of Final Fantasy VI Remake, blending real-time attacks and movements with the option to issue commands for each party member when their action gauge permits. Furthermore, you can seamlessly switch between party members using the directional buttons, tailoring your strategy to the demands of each battle.

It’s noteworthy that this installment introduces a novel feature: the ability to synergize between two characters for enhanced damage, the specifics of which depend on the elemental, physical, aerial, and other attributes of the characters involved. This innovative move is distinct from the classic Limit Break, showing spectacular cinematic animations. The ability to stun enemies by building up the action gauge through your attacks remains a key element of the combat system. 

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Reuniting with Familiar Faces & Discovering New Adventures 

During this demo, we reunited with beloved characters like Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, Barret, Red XIII, and the iconic Sephiroth. In the second part of the demo, we explored the military city of Junon, offering a glimpse into the open-world section of the game. Here, we had the opportunity to ride Chocobos for exploration and engage in exciting mini-missions that made clever use of these lovable birds’ unique abilities. Additionally, we took on a mission where we had to eliminate enemies within a set time limit. 

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Next-Level Visuals 

Compared to Final Fantasy VII Remake, we observed a remarkable improvement in terms of visuals, with larger map designs, enhanced textures, and greater character detail. The lighting and shadow effects were meticulously crafted and accompanied by an abundance of particles, contributing to an immersive visual experience. 

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Familiar Melodies & Sounds 

The soundtrack and sound effects maintain continuity and have been expertly tuned for optimal enjoyment, especially when experienced with headphones. Now, we eagerly await February to witness the intriguing twists and turns the storyline will take. We can already hint that, based on this hands-on experience, subtle changes will undoubtedly surprise and captivate players. 

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Original article in Spanish by Vladimir Arteaga for LOS40.

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